‘World Environmental Education Day’ – good time to review our crucial relationships with the environment, especially children and nature

English: WWF Camp in Tuscany. All the year chi...
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‘Every January 26th we celebrate the World Environmental Education Day. This has its origin date from 1972 with the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in (Stockholm, Sweden, June 1972) ‘ . Stated at http://www.bluechannel24.com/.

Is ‘Environmental education’ as a pure course/theme still relevant? What ‘is’ EE and how does it function alongside other, closely related thematic approaches such as  ‘education for sustainable development‘ , ‘experiential learning’ ….? Comments below,  or at https://twitter.com/#!/LearnFromNature, and http://www.facebook.com/NAEEUK

English: Diagram showing aspects of sustainabl...
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Every January 26th we celebrate the World Environmental Education Day. This has its origin date from 1972 with the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in (Stockholm, Sweden, June 1972) in which it outlined the need for criteria and common principles to offer the people of the world inspiration and guidance for preserving and enhancing the environment.

The Environmental Education is a dynamic and participatory process that seeks to awaken in people an awareness that allows the environmental problems identified with both general (global) and specific level (environment where it lives).

It also seeks to identify relationships and independence of interactions that occur between the environment and the man and is also concerned to promote a harmonious relationship between the natural and human activities through sustainable development, all with ensure the sustainability and quality of current and future generations.

Let us recall some points of the treaty which states:

The man is simultaneously creature and moulder of his environment, which gives the material sustenance and bringing the opportunity to develop intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually.

On the long and tortuous evolution of the human race on this planet has reached a stage in which, thanks to the rapid acceleration of science and technology, man has acquired the power to transform, in countless ways and in a unprecedented scale, the surroundings.

The two aspects of the human environment, natural and artificial, are essential for human welfare and the enjoyment of fundamental human rights including the right to life itself.

Today, man’s ability to transform his surroundings, used with discernment can lead to all peoples the benefits of development and offer the opportunity to honor their existence.

But misapplied or recklessly, it can cause incalculable harm to human beings and their environment.

Around us we see multiply the evidence of damage caused by human in many regions of the earth: dangerous levels of water pollution, air, land and living things, major disruption of the ecological balance of the biosphere, destruction and depletion of irreplaceable resources and serious deficiencies, harmful to the physical, mental and social of the man, created by him , especially one in which he lives and works.

In developing countries, most environmental problems are caused by underdevelopment.

Therefore, developing countries must direct their efforts towards development, bearing in mind their priorities and the need to safeguard and improve the environment.

The natural growth of population continuously presents problems for the preservation of the environment, and should adopt appropriate policies and measures, as appropriate, to address these problems.

Of all the things in the world, humans are the most valuable. They are the people that propel social progress, create social wealth, develop science and technology and, through their hard work, continuously transform the human environment.

We have reached a moment in history when we must shape our actions throughout the world with more request that may have consequences for the environment. But by ignorance or indifference we can cause immense and irreparable harm to the earthly environment on which depend our lives and wellbeing.

By contrast, with a deeper knowledge and wiser action, we can achieve for ourselves and our posterity a better life in an environment more in line with the needs and aspirations of man’s life.

The Conference calls upon Governments and Peoples to work together to preserve and improve the environment for the benefit of man and his posterity.

The treaty aroused great expectations in the world, in the year 1975 within the framework of United Nations programs, was held in Belgrade, capital city of the Republic of Serbia, the International Seminar on Environmental Education with the participation of about 70 countries.

However, is not until the decade of the eighties when America fully engage to this environmentalist culture.

It is important to be aware of the environmental damage suffered by our planet and how to reverse them, to avoid, climate change and other phenomena that affect both ecosystems.

The main objective of environmental education is to create awareness among people and especially in the government as to the need for participation to preserve and protect the environment.

Currently intends to teach from nature, using it as an educational resource, we must train to improve and appreciate the environment, must be presented and learn correct behavior toward the environment, not just knowledge. This is the conception of nature as an inexhaustible source of resources to our service, but as a fragile ecosystem has its own requirements that must be respected in our own interest and survival.

It is necessary to create new models of sustainable development, we must ensure that small actions have a positive impact on the environment.

Click here for source Blue Channel 

Children and Nature Network 

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